Appartamenti Šolta
Nečujam – Dalmazia - Croazia
Find out what other people say about our apartments. Also check out their reviews about the island of Solta and Necujam as a holiday destination.
We were very satisfied with our vacation in your apartment. It was pretty, clean, new, cold – because of the air-conditioning...
Location of the apartment is fine, it is nice to walk through the pine forrest to get to the sea, market is close by if you need something.
We have two kids (15, 10) and they were really content as well.
We also took short trips around the island, and we really liked them. Towns like Stomorska, Necujam, Maslinica – are all like from heaven (situated in beautiful bays)
Thank you for "renting" your apartment to us. We had everything, and the weather was always sunny and hot.
We explored the island and discovered many hidden corners. We went home very happy and full of new impressions and experiences.
I was very positively surprised that all of the main spices were already present in the kitchen and also the equippment for washing and drying the dishes. Here I wish to add another big +!
The overall grade of the whole vacation is definitively 5; because we were very satisfied and the weather was alwaysa nice.
Best regards and perhaps we see / hear each other again next year.
We had a great time...thank you for everything...our girls played at the beach...
The apartments are miraculous and you decorated them superbly, as I like to say you are on vacation and you have everything you want, enough of dishes, rooms and space
Totally great...just carry on in the same manner...big hello and good luck...
I wanted peace and in Necujam we found it.
The behaviour of the people who have greeted us and your behavior is at the highest professional level and for this we wish to congratulate you and thank you one more time.
I wish you all the best and many more satisfied tourists and summer seasons that will last for at least 9 months.
Thank you a lot, everything is great. You will have us again next year and I will recommend you to my friends also. Everything is extra.